Police are Cracking Down on Mobile Phone use

November 14th 2016

Police will this week be paying special attention to motorists using their mobile phones whilst driving.

Designated police patrols will be on the lookout for offenders and the message that it is a criminal offence to use your mobile phone whilst driving will be reinforced by road side signs.

The move anticipates the doubling of the present penalties for using a mobile phone whilst driving.   At the moment a driver may receive three penalty points and a £100 fine for the offence.  However, the Department of Transport has announced that in the New Year penalties will double to six penalty points and a £200 fine.   For second-time offenders this will means a court summons, a fine of up to £1,000 and a possible six-month driving ban.

For probationary drivers, a single offence will be enough to lead to a revocation of their driving licence and a requirement to retake their driving test.

You have been warned!